Our Programme

Sec 1

Upon joining the unit, Sec 1 members will undergo orientation like getting their uniform, learning about the rules, procedures, their instructors, and the structure of the organization. Their membership is confirmed when they attend the Affirmation Ceremony.

Flight simulator programme

Paper glider programme

Throughout the year, recruits learn basic military skills like foot drill, IFC , and undergo citizenship lessons in Total Defence. In addition, they are taught the basic principles of flight and are guided to master the basics of flight simulation.

Sec 2

Building upon the foundation that they have laid in the previous year, the Sec 2 cadets learn more advanced military knowledge, principles of flight and take on more challenging citizenship projects.

In the area of military knowledge, NCC Air cadets will learn trainfire procedures, arms drill, and advanced IFC.

Chuck glider programme

For aeromodelling, cadets will be introduced to drones and chuck gliders. Members who show an aptitude or have a passion in flying drones have an opportunity to pursue their interest by training for the Air Competition. The Silver Wing Course, a course compulsory for all Sec 2 members and conducted by RSAF instructors in Air Force School during the school holidays, will deepen our cadets’ knowledge about the RSAF.

Sec 3 and 4

To prepare the Sec 3s to take over the reins of leadership in July, they will follow a structured and rigorous programme to learn the techniques of Command & Control in the first semester, followed by practicum where they teach a certain unit of drills or IFC to their platoon mates, who will give them feedback on how to improve. This school-based training is necessary because all Sec 3 members are required to attend the Specialists Course in June where they will be tested on military skills. Upon passing the course, they will be awarded the RSAF-NCC Badge which is recognised by the SAF and our cadets will be asked to be quasi-instructors when they serve their BMT in future. They will also take on appointments in our unit and take charge of programmes.

Specialists who take on key appointments in the unit will be mentored in the planning and execution of programmes by teachers and cadet officers. They will exercise authority, responsibility and accountability via their actions and hone their leadership skills.

Annual Parade

In the Annual Parade, the Sec 3 and 4 specialists always look forward to be in the Guard-of-Honour contingent and Colour Party. Some senior specialists will be appointed as Parade Commanders, Contingent Commanders or to other important positions.

To cater to the more adventurous people, HQ NCC organises several overseas expeditions and missions for a nominal fee. Our cadets have gone mountain climbing in Mount Ophir, Malaysia; participated in OBS Sabah; and gone to ICEP UK for an overseas training visit programme.

Mount Ophir

OBS Sabah

Members who graduate from SJI but wish to hone their leadership skills can apply to become Cadet Officers who will be mentored in organising major projects.

Elective Programme

Cadets who are passionate about aeromodelling can hone their skills and participate in the annual Air Competition where they compete in various categories such as Paper Glider, Flight Simulation and Drone Flying.

The annual NCC District Championships allow our Sec 1, 2 and 3 cadets to pit their skills against other schools in Captain’s Ball, Frisbee and Soccer.

Cadets who participate in the Freestyle Drill Competition will exercise creativity in forming various squad formations.

Free Style Drills picture 1

Free Style Drills picture 2

As NCC Air is affiliated to the RSAF, our members have many opportunities to visit airbases and experience flying in military aircrafts. NCC Air has also partnered the Singapore Youth Flying Club to provide our cadets with more aviation programmes.

Airbase visit

The 1-Star Kayaking Course is open to all cadets who have an interest in learning how to kayak.

1-Star Kayaking Course

Leadership Programme

In SJI NCC Air, our cadets go through a structured programme to develop their leadership qualities. The model focuses on Awareness, Interaction and Mastery.


"Leadership is about creating a way for people to contribute to making something extraordinary happen."

- Alan Keith, Lucas Digital

Sec 1 cadets are exposed to the first 3 Habits in Steven Covey's Model of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People during the Sec 1 Teambuilding Camp. After teaching them the 1st Habit, to be Proactive, cadets are expected to apply the principle in the camp activities. Facilitators will give immediate feedback.

Also, they are required to attend Camp FORGE, where they will learn the NCC values of teamwork and adventurous spirit.

Camp Forge obsatacles

Camp Forge paintball shooting

Camp Forge archery

Camp Forge high elements


"Do not think that you are the best and that you can do everything all by yourself - only teamwork brings the best results."

- Hans-Ulrich Schaer, The Information Management Group (Switzerland)


The NCC HQ organizes the Sec 2 Leadership Camp, Camp STEEL, based on the Leadership Challenge Model. The camp includes a Leadership Personality Test, situational leadership tasks, where teams are required to solve problems using their creativity and problem-solving skills taught in the course, and reflections.

Military basics

Specialist Course test

Specialist Course (HQ NCC)

HQ also organises the Specialist Course for the Sec 3s, who must pass tests conducted by Army specialists to ensure proficiency in military knowledge, and learn about methods of instruction.

Sec 2 Leadership Camp (SJI NCC Air)

Our unit organizes our own leadership camp to augment the HQ's leadership programme. The objectives are:

  • to teach Habits 4, 5 and 6 of Covey's Model of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

  • to develop leadership qualities by allowing them to take on leadership positions. Cadets complete a series of tasks as a team in the outdoors, allowing them to exercise initiative, courage and determination and reflection

Tent pitching


Sec 3 Leadership Workshop (SJI NCC Air)

In Sec 3, prior to taking over the reins of from the Sec 4s, the Sec 3 Leadership Workshop will be conducted to teach the basic principles of leadership and 4 most important qualities of leaders.

From Theory to Practice

We also appoint cadets into positions of authority, using a system of rotating cadets in position of authority so that most cadets have an opportunity to take on leadership roles within the sec 1 and 2 flights.

The Specialists, who will give feedback on the cadets' performance, will do the mentoring.

Leadership class picture 1


"Leadership requires learning on the job. With the willpower - and the heart - to continue, you can lead the way."

- Christian Fux, International Committee of the Red Cross in Kenya.

Outstanding sec 2 leaders are identified and given more opportunities to take on leadership positions such as Specialist Trainee, Part I/C, Section I/C, Freestyle Instructor and Aeromodelling Instructor.

Most of the sec 3s are appointed as Specialists by July. They initiate and organize activities as a team, and teach junior cadets. There are many leadership positions available, which include training instructors, module heads, administrative specialists, and logistic specialists. All sec 4s are appointed as leaders in January.

Some senior specialists will be appointed as Parade Commanders, Contingent Commanders or to other important positions during the Annual Parade.

Annual Parade